Internationally Acclaimed Breeders
Our breeders are of the highest quality. They are internationally acclaimed and have decades of experience in the industry. Together with them, we aim to ensure that we provide you, our clients, with top-quality products and 100% satisfaction. Please feel free to explore our wide range of vendors. If you need any assistance, we are always here to guide you according to your specific needs.

Meet our expert cold-water fish breeders, who are dedicated to producing the highest quality fish through meticulous care and advanced breeding techniques

Hazorea Aquatics
Founded by Kibbutz Hazorea, Hazorea Aquatics has decades of experience breeding high-quality Goldfish and the first farm in Israel to produce special bio-secure Koi.

Dagon - Madankoi
Kibbutz Ma’agan Michael began their journey in the 1980s, cultivating and breeding Koi. This vast experience is part of what makes Dagon one of the top-quality Koi suppliers. Dagon’s farm breeds outdoor Koi, bio-secure Koi, and eco-friendly fish.

Koi Kin
since 2008, Koi Kin owned by Fradkin and Bitan families producing butterfly Koi in such successful way which positioning the farm as the best quality butterfly Koi (Bio-Secured). In the last years they started produce and supply successfully Bio-Secured goldfish.

Was established in 2017, by Idan Evyatar as a boutique farm for the art of breeding magnificent Fancy Goldfish. Their collection includes a variety of breeds, including Celestial, Hanafusa, Nankin, Pearlscale and more. Each fish is nurtured with the valued Japanese techniques, which guarantees quality and beauty.
Meet our expert tropical fish breeders, who are dedicated to producing the highest quality fish through meticulous care and advanced breeding techniques

The most experienced tropical fish farm in Israel started with Anat & Ran Epsteen - 25 years of operating, breeding a wide range of top-quality tropical fish - Guppy, Platy, Swordtails, Scalars, Ramirezi, Neon Tetra, Cardinal Tetra, and many more.

Following Anat & Ran Epsteen’s success in fish breeding, Ran’s parents followed in the same direction. They established their farm in 2008, concentrating in production of unique Platy varieties. Judging by their great success and top-quality products, it looks like fish breeding runs in the family

Avi Aglamaz and Zohar Mazan began to breed Guppies in 2000. Since then, they’ve branched out their specialty to Platys and Swordtails as well. Their unique farm structure allows them to supply jumbo size fish along with standard size first-class Livebearers.
Sea gal
Ran Segev, along with his wife Sigal (the inspiration behind the farm’s name) acquired their aquaristan knowledge at the University of Jerusalem. Since 2005, they’ve specialized in top-quality Molly breeding.

Cultivating and improving his farm for the last 30 years, Amit Shany is considered one of the top tropical fish breeders. Today, he is focusing on Ancistrus varieties breeding, as well as Sturisoma and Crayfish.

Star Fish
Itzik Staretz was one of the first Swordtails and Platy breeders in Israel when he opened his farm in 1996, and to this day, he’s one of the top vendors. Since then he’s added to his list of specializations Neon Tetra and doctor fish (Red garra).